Design. Build. Remodel.

Exceptional Service and Quality Craftsmanship since 1990

Professional Remodeling & Home Building since 1995.

Experience the Home
Sweet Home

Experience the Home Sweet Home Difference

Our team are called “The Bees”, working Together for You to make a beautiful world and a better life.

Your home is your biggest and perhaps most personal investment. Exceptional Quality. Attention-to-Detail-Craftsmanship. Expertise. You deserve it. Your home deserves it. We bring it to every project we do.

Over the years, Plus Contracting has had the distinct honor to work with clients on stunning home transformations. Whether you want to remodel your kitchen, transform your bathroom, finish your basement, or build an addition, you need more than a contractor. You need a partner you can trust with your most personal investment.

What People Are Saying

If you are looking for a professional Charlotte area home remodeling contractor, please call us today at 980.829.9527 or 980.365.0180 or complete our online request form.